What We Missed
One way to view our lives during a pandemic is to look at what we have missed -- our wants, needs, and unfulfilled desires. By identifying what we've lost, we shine a light on what matters most -- birthday parties, professional haircuts, daily rituals, and most of all, our families.
This exhibit captures our longing – for time with loved ones, the ability to celebrate our milestones, and for all the things we took for granted, especially hugs. It's not surprising that what we missed the most was each other, which is obvious in retrospection.
The global pandemic has illuminated what we treasure. Reflecting on absence offers us a window to view what we have gained.
A. 06.28.2020
That I should never taking hugging my family (outside my house family - grown children - grandkids) for granted
My mother’s funeral. Planning a wedding for my daughter. Canceled two European trips
L. 11.04.2020
Wish I had spent more time with family
G. 7.6.2020
My dad died. I cooked a lot of the foods that he used to cook for us when we were little. Had some visits with my brother where we shared memories.
Appreciate your family while you have them they won't be here forever.
H. 6.11.2020
I wish I had known I wouldn’t see my friends and not leave the house for so long, I would have never stayed in or said no to plans. I would have gone to see my grandma, who is 87, in her nursing home before it closed, I haven’t seen her since I left for school In January because they are closed to the public
M. 6.8.2020
It seems the days go by faster now and I often forget what day of the week it is. My family and I still rarely leave the house. We don’t visit with friends anymore. We have only been visiting with a select few family members. When I grocery shop now I do bring my son with me but wear our masks at all times while in public. Being he’s so young he doesn’t understand fully what occurred with this pandemic. My husband and I tried to keep the news off and minimal talk about covid-19 while in front of him. However what we did talk to our son about is importance of handwashing, wearing our masks and that there is a virus that has made some people sick. We always made sure to answer any questions he did ask. But we always kept things positive so we didn’t add any stress to him.
We didn’t have to postpone any “major” life events however we miss the simple things like going out to the movies as a family and going to Chuck E. Cheese with friends. Instead we had movie night on Fridays at our house. We would blow up the air mattress and rent a movie on Amazon. We had different food taste tests for different movie nights. One night we did a popcorn taste test and made 10 different kinds. Another movie night we did a cottage cheese taste test. I had no idea that cottage cheese can taste so different!
C. 6.23.2020
I wish I knew that the libraries were closing, because then I would have gotten more books! I also wish I knew I would not be able to hug my grandma because I would have given her a big hug before this started.
R. 6.4.2020
Usually at this time of year we would be spending a lot of time at playgrounds, and making plans to go to the county fair, Irish Fest, and camping. Not this year. I also had tickets to two big concerts, one of which got cancelled and the other postponed until next year
My little girl has learned to stay away from people (which makes me sad) but she yells, "Hi" at them, and people always say, "Hi" back.
G. 6.16.2020
Yes, a friend from NYC , and she died......
At this point the family has not been able to celebrate her life...at a later time maybe..
Take nothing for granted!! Every day is a gift, I know that’s a cliche but it’s so true. We have seen such change in people’s lives including ours.. we have not had family Sunday dinner in three months, our children have not come together in months, because some are front line workers. Do not wait for happiness because it can be taken from you in minutes!! Enjoy what you have!! And thank God for your blessings!
M. 7.20.2020
My kids (3,6,10) no longer participate in community sports (gymnastics, swim, soccer). We no longer have playdates with other children. We grew our veggie garden larger than we ever had before. We eat breakfast as a family every day now. I miss my friends deeply, but we text daily. My anxiety has spiked, and my husband is quite depressed. Since we both lost our jobs during the shutdown, money is tight, but we can still afford utilities and food. We no longer shop in stores, opting for food delivery and pick up. We are more likely now to made do with what we already have, rather than shopping for more.
G. 5.31.2020
My daughter had to change the date of her wedding. We had just purchased her wedding dress in February. The indecision and not knowing when or how to change the wedding has been stressful. We are attempting to have the wedding in August. We know not everyone will likely be able to come.
H. 6.29.2020
We missed a high school graduation and a community college graduation. One relative missed her prom. A friend turned 90, and we had a parade of decorated cars drive past her home. We had a social distance 50th birthday for 8 people and we held a baby shower/gender reveal party for 24 people in a huge backyard where we could socially distance. Everyone also had masks. Easter was quiet; there was no family dinner. We celebrated everything. We just had to get creative about how to do it safely. We'll see the Fourth of July fireworks in August.
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