Covid-History Item Type Metadata
When did the impact of COVID-19 first occur to you? How did your reaction to COVID-19 change between then and the first case in your town?
It was the second week of March, COVID was becoming a big deal both in the news and at my job. My boss at the time had daily meetings and I was on a team to communicate messages and resources to staff. I was worried that that COVID could explode with the daily cases rising and news of closures and staff, including myself being able to work from home.. I got very nervous when the cases from downstate appeared in my area because I have pre-existing health conditions.
How is your life different now than it was before the pandemic?
For now, I work from home and wear a mask when in public and sometimes around friends and family. I don't go hangout with people, I don't like to eat inside restaurants and clean things more thoroughly now.
How are you feeling? What are you doing to relieve stress?
I feel both hopeful that when I am vaccinated, I am protected from getting COVID, but very anxious in the sudden return to how things were prior to COVID. My stress levels change each day, and I try to tell myself I am lucky and have my health. I take walks around the neighborhood, have done some decluttering in my house and keep my regular work hours and a consistent sleep schedule.
What have you noticed has changed in your community since the outbreak? What has surprised you?
The community tries to help out with residents, i.e. food drives, displaying rainbows or colorful decorations. When the outbreak first happened, the traffic was almost non-existent and saw a lot of folks exercising. However, as time has gone by, vaccines are approved and administered, more things are coming back, including the amount of traffic.
Are you a business owner who has had to close? If you are still open, how have you had to adjust how your business operates?
Are you an essential employee? What do you do? What precautions are being taken at your workplace? What precautions are implementing at home?
I was able to obtain a reasonable accommodation to be able to work from home. On the few occasions I have reported to my office, I wen early in the day, wore a face covering, used hand santizer, and kept the time brief.
Are you an employee who has been laid off or furloughed? Were you able to get unemployment? Were you able to retain your health insurance?
Are you working from home? What adjustments or challenges are you experiencing?
Yes, I am working from home. I was able to get a company laptop to use for work purposes. I have to remind family that I am on the clock and close my door when needed as well as occupy or move pets in another location of the house to limit distractions. I enjoy working from home, however, I feel my career ambitions have taken a beating with not being "visible" on the floor to management, and I have a team member that sometimes doesn't fully communicate things, causing more confusion.
Do you have children at home? How’s it going?
If you’re a student, was school canceled? Were you able to complete your studies online? Do you think you’ll be back on campus in the fall?
Did you have to postpone any major life events? (e.g. Graduation, wedding, major birthday) What did you do instead?
I chose not to attend any large or family gatherings even outside, to remain safe.
Do you have animals? Did you adopt a pet? How have they impacted your day?
I have two cats and two dogs pre-COVID. Although they have their own personalities and moments, they have provided a comfort to me and keep me going.
What positive things did you contribute to or notice take place?
I enjoy being home and around for any home improvements.
Did you or someone you know contract COVID-19? What was it like?
I know of some people that did contract COVID-19, they needed to quarantine and did have mild symptoms, but since, have recovered.
If you lost someone during the pandemic, how did you celebrate their lives?
I have been fortunate and haven't lost anyone close to me due to COVID.
What do you wish you knew before the pandemic began?
I wish I didn't take the job I currently have and have been in for over four years. My physical work location is in a high-rise building on an upper floor. I wasn't a fan of being on the elevators even at that time.
What would you want future generations to know about the 2020 pandemic? How would you recommend they prepare for it?
When possible, make sure you have enough living space, practice good hygiene, be kind to others even when they are not to you, have patience, don't believe what politicians say, but watch their actions, and welcome an opportunity, no matter how bad, to learn and grow.
How do you think this pandemic will change how we behave going forward? What will the “new normal” look like?
I am worried that there is pressure on going back to how things were pre-COVID. I think many good things have happened, telecommuting, telemedicine, increased cleaning, and enjoying nature. I do think there should be crowd capacity restrictions for certain events, as well as new ways of doing things, less paper, less rigid structure.
Is there anything else you would like to add that hasn't already been asked above?
Not at this time.
Dublin Core
COVID-19 (Disease)
Southern Adirondack Library System
Southern Adirondack Library System
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Covid History
Coronavirus Pandemic
“Lauri,” Leaving Our Fingerprints on History, accessed February 5, 2025,